Animal timer 5 minutes
Animal timer 5 minutes

  • The amount of snoring is categorized as:.
  • Your report shows the amount of time your device detected snoring and a chart of the noise level throughout the night.
  • Swipe to the bottom of the page to find the Snore and Noise section.
  • animal timer 5 minutes

    When you wake up, open the Fitbit app on your phone.You receive your first report the day after you turn on the feature. Snore and noise detection doesn’t analyze previous nights’ sleep. When you turn on snore and noise detection for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions. Tap the switch next to Detect Snoring.From the Today tab in the Fitbit app, tap the sleep tile.To turn on or turn off snore and noise detection: When you wake up, your nightly results are summarized in a report. By analyzing noise information every few seconds, your device can track the overall noise level of your surroundings and check for snoring throughout the night. With a Premium subscription, turn on the snore and noise detection feature to allow the microphone on your Fitbit Sense or Fitbit Versa 3 to track noise, including snoring from you or someone next to you. Days with naps-how often your Fitbit device tracked naps.Nights with long awakenings-how often you experienced awakenings around 30 minutes or more.As you change sleep stages or your sleeping position, your brain often wakes up for a moment stability tracks how often this happens Sleep stability-on average, how often during your sleep period you were briefly awake or moving.Restorative sleep-on average, how much time you spent with your heart rate lower than your usual resting heart rate.REM sleep-on average, how much time you spent in REM sleep.

    animal timer 5 minutes

  • Deep sleep-on average, how much time you spent in deep sleep.
  • animal timer 5 minutes

    Sleep duration-on average, how long you usually slept.Time before sound sleep-on average, how long it usually took you to fall soundly asleep.Sleep start time-on average, the time you usually went to sleep.Sleep schedule variability-how much your sleep schedule varied from day to day.Tap the Metrics tab to see a breakdown of your monthly sleep metrics, including how your metrics compare to other Fitbit users. Tap the Sleep Profile tab to see your current sleep animal, or tap the History tab to see previous sleep animals.From the Today tab, tap the Sleep tile tap the sleep animal below your sleep graph.

    Animal timer 5 minutes